
   Order Code: INT01SG    ISBN : 9781560043874
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Divided into separate "colonies," teams of students face problems typical of life in 17th-century America and try to ensure the success of their settlements.

After deciding on cargo and using map skills to cross the sea and select their sites, students—playing such roles as colony leaders, bankers, mappers, traders, and recorders—are pressed to make decisions concerning the division of labor, the role of government, and defense against possible Indian attack. Interaction among the colonies results in trading, alliances, and sometimes conflict, while Fate Cards affect each colony’s success or failure. The wealthiest colony after 15 rounds of play wins. The simulation may run for as many as 19 class periods, but can be truncated greatly depending on class skill level and time available.

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This title is part of the series: DISCOVERY







Sample pages from the student guide

Sample pages from the teacher's guide

Common Core correlations