Tell It Like It Is!!

Board game


   Order Code: AUD011   
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A board “game” that has no winners or losers, but instead allows people to share their thoughts and feelings. Players move tokens on the board by the throw of a die. Depending on where they land, they must draw a card and respond to it, ask a question of another player, make a statement, or follow other directions. All action focuses on what the players think, feel, and do. Two decks of cards are included: one to be used when playing with elementary level children or when a lighter game is desired, the other when teenagers and adults want an in-depth discussion. The kit contains the game board, tokens, die, cards, and complete directions. Players: 2–6. Time: 45–60. Talicor. Revised edition. ©2006.

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Grades K-6
Grades 4-9
Grades 7-12